Deep Thoughts

I’ve been going through a bit of a funk lately.  Maybe it’s still the mid-life thing.  Maybe it’s the stress of being back in the school rush.  Whatever it is, here are some of the things that have been swirling around in my head lately:

* Should I be on Hormone Replacement Therapy?  I’m moody and tired.  Maybe I just need more sleep.  And chocolate.

* Why do I feel like everyone is judging me?  ARE THEY JUDGING ME?

* I am so annoyed with young(er) people who have their whole lives ahead of them and they constantly complain about their lives.  Same goes for people without children.  They have NO CLUE. 

* It’s frustrating to spend so much time doing the laundry, running errands, cleaning the house, doing the bills, and keeping everyone’s life organized.  Because these things happen every single day and they give me no real sense of accomplishment.

* I am tired of celebrities who complain about being famous or won’t use a car service. 

* Can I just please kick some will power into my 10 lb. overweight body and lose this baby weight already? It’s not even “baby” weight anymore.  It’s “big kid” weight.

* On that note, I really want a pair of skinny jeans.

* I want to finish decorating my home.  I just want it to be finished.  No more bare walls.

* When can I go back to bed?

* What is up with these people on “House Hunters International?”  I mean, really.  Must. Be. Nice.

* I wish I had a gay best friend.  I pick Andy Cohen.

* I love Christmas.  I love everything about it.  I wish I could bring the spirit of Christmas into other areas of my life.

* I often wonder where we’re going to retire.  Here? New York City? Charleston? A desert island?  And does “retire” even exist?

* I worry that my kids won’t like me when they’re teenagers.  I constantly wonder if I’m laying the right foundation of being their friend, their guardian, their disciplinarian, and their moral compass.

* I want to start a “Deep Sh*t Club” where we just sit around and talk about deep sh*t.  And drink lots of red wine.  Who’s in?

How can you not smile? Christmas rules.


  1. You forgot: just because Im a stay at home mom people thing I am not doing anything all day when kids are at school.

  2. PopMommy Pam says:


  3. Hugs Mama! Call me anytime! Many of these thoughts are in my head daily, too. Being in a funk is no fun at all. Let’s get together & drink some vino soon! xo

  4. PopMommy Pam says:

    I would love it!

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