School Emergency Kit

Today was Pajama Day at Daniel’s school.

All the Pre-K’ers could wear their pajamas to class and there was a special story time with the Principal.  The morning snack was a special treat: Donut holes and juice boxes!  Daniel was on cloud nine!  When we walked into the classroom this morning, we admired some of the other pajama choices. As I gave Daniel a hug goodbye, I saw a little girl wander in behind him wearing her school uniform.

“Uh oh,” I thought.  “Someone’s parent forgot it was Pajama Day.”

Now, I’m not judging them.  It could happen to anyone.  It could happen to ME.  That is always my small fear. That I forget it’s Pajama Day and Daniel or Annabel give me that sad, disappointed face like I’m the worst Mama in the world.  Or I forget the snack. Or I forget that it’s show-and-tell! So that made me think, I need to create some sort of ‘School Emergency Kit” for the trunk of my car.  I drop my children off at private school every day so this could work well for me.   (I basically live in my car.)

My “School Emergency Kit” would contain:

–  A pair of pajamas (see above.)

– A set of “street clothes” in the school colors for “Non-Uniform” days.

– An extra school uniform (if I think Pajama Day/Non-Uniform Day is on the WRONG day. Whoops!)

– An extra snack.  This should be something that won’t spoil (ie: raisins, fruit chews, something with a long shelf life.) Gross? Maybe.  Smart? YES.

– Some item that has every letter of the alphabet for the show-and-tell days.  This can be an alphabet puzzle or a baggie of alphabet magnets so, if stuck in a pinch, my kid can AT LEAST show an “A” puzzle piece or an “A” magnet.  Again, not ideal, but fulfilling the need.  Note:  The alphabet items should also be a variety of colors so they can also be used for the “bring in something X color” days.

– Check book.  This should probably be in my purse, not a kit in the back of the car, but I can’t tell you how many times I needed a check  for some school photo order or fundraiser and I curse that darn check book sitting in the front drawer of my desk at home.

– Cash. Because then there are the days when the student government or the safety patrols sell sweet treats in the school lobby and I’ve had to say “No” to my kid because I didn’t have a dollar bill on me.

– 4×6 photos of every member of the family including grandparents.  You know what I’m talking about.

– A generic gift in a small gift bag.  Perhaps a picture frame or coffee mug.  This would be for when I forget it’s the teacher’s/teacher’s assistant’s/front desk receptionist’s/etc. birthday (Do people really have these dates on their calendar?)

– A couple of books for when I forget I’m the class “secret reader.”  Note: This could also work for show-and-tell and those “bring a book to share” days.

– A new toy.  This is for the “bring a toy to share” days.  But this can also work if there’s something I forgot that’s not in the kit and I can bribe my child to forgive me with the new toy.  Win-win!

What would be in YOUR kit?  I’m SURE I’m forgetting SOMETHING.

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