King of Pop

The very first album I bought was Thriller.  It was 1982 and I was in the fifth grade.  I saved up my allowance and went to the mall to buy it with my own money. I listened to that album on my record player in my bedroom for hours.  It was life changing. 

A few months later, my Dad bought a Betamax tape player.  We could now watch movies at home!   It was revolutionary. My Dad took me, my brother, and my sister to the local video store in the strip mall around the corner.

We could pick out any video we wanted.  It would be the very first video we would ever watch in our house. 

We picked out The Making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.

“Don’t you want to rent a MOVIE?”  Dad said. 

NOPE, we wanted to watch Michael. 

Rest in peace, King of Pop.  May God bless your children and may we all remember you as an amazing entertainer and influential musical icon.


  1. So true! Through all of the rough times he went through later in life, it is nice to think about how he influenced us as young people–same grade when Thriller came out– and became a trend setter. I like to think of all the ways he influenced us and YES, I was one of the nerdy white boys who could actually do the moon walk with socks on in a slippery kitchen floor–LOL. Great memories indeed!!

  2. I wore parachute pants and a red vinyl vest to school in 5th grade. I got teased but it was totally worth it! Michael Jackson influenced everybody!

  3. Oh the parachute pants….gray in color….they were def in style. I forgot about those:-)

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