What’s New?

Conversation with a toddler, age 2 ½:

Bean:  (Looking in the fridge) “Mama!  Mama!  NEW milk!”

Me:  “Yes, Daniel, there’s new milk in the fridge.” 

Bean:  “Mama!  NEW YELLOW milk!”

Me:  “Yes, it’s a new yellow milk CONTAINER.” (Some organic version from the local gas station mini mart.)  “But it tastes the same Bean.”

Bean:  “Mama!  Daniel drink NEW YELLOW MILK for lunch!”

Me:  “Yes, Daniel, but we have to clean up first.  Put away all these toys.  And then we have to change your diaper.”

Bean:  “NO! NO! NO Mama! Daniel no change diaper!”

Me:  “Yes Bean…”

Bean: “NO! NO! NO Mama!  Daniel no change diaper!”

Me: “Come on, Bean. Let’s go change your diaper….”

Bean:  “NO! NO! NO Mama!  Daniel no change diaper!”

Me:  “Okay. Then, let’s go sit on the potty.”

Bean: “NO! NO! NO Mama!  Daniel no sit on potty!”

Me:  “Well, then let’s go change your diaper…now!”

Bean:  “NO! NO! NO Mama!  Daniel no change diaper!”

Me:  (under my breath) “Oh GEEZ Daniel, what else is new….”

 Bean: “NEW MILK!  Daniel drink NEW YELLOW MILK!!”

 Okay, I set him up.  Good one, son.

Matching yellow shirt purely a coincidence

Matching yellow shirt purely a coincidence

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