
Daniel and I started a new beach vacation tradition: Looking for seashells together.  Just me and him. 

The best part?  We went on our adventure after Annabel was asleep and it was “really, really late.”  Like “super late.”  Like the only other kids awake at the same time were the “big kids.”

Bean thought it would be “really, really dark” so we had to bring a flashlight.  (It really wasn’t that dark out at 8 o’clock, but he didn’t mind.  He still used his flashlight. )

It was perfectly warm with an awesome ocean breeze as we searched the wet sand.   He was in his jammies with blue Crocs.  He held my hand as we walked but then he would let it go to run after a piece of white or black or silver shell he saw floating in a foaming wave.  We carefully placed our treasures in a mini blue  pail.

The best part?  It was just me and him. 

Just him and me.

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