Bravo Andy Tweeted Me!

It’s been a tough month. I’ve been participating in this thing called “Sober January.” I first heard about it from Andy Cohen from Bravo TV.  (He’s the guy who created all those “Real Housewives.”) He wrote about “Sober January” in his Andy Cohen Diaries book. (You should pick it up. Or Kindle it. It’s yummy fun.) Hubby and I were already planning to do the Whole 30 detox diet, (more about THAT later), so we knew we’d have to give up alcohol for the month anyway. That meant NO sake with our sushi, NO wine on weekends, NO beer while watching football playoffs, NOTHING. Not even a celebratory toast when Pop Pop turned 70 last week. If you wanted to see a sad, sad scene, you should have been at the fancy steak house with us to see me sipping plain iced tea next to the glass wine cellar and dessert tray. Ugh.

Well, there are only 10 days left and I can’t believe I’ve made it this far. I tweeted to Andy last night and he tweeted me back! We are in this together! I was so excited! It was the exact mojo I needed to get me to the finish line. Thanks, Andy.

andy tweet

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