The Final Oprah Winfrey Show

I just ugly cried through the entire final episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show.  It was perfect.  No guests.  No fanfare. No “Favorite Things” to hand out.  Just Oprah talking about the lessons she has learned and the wisdom she wants to pass along to us, her faithful viewers.  (And she looked so pretty in a beautiful pink dress with ruffles down the front.)

My awesome hubbie took the kiddies to the library and out for smoothie treats so I could watch the final Oprah alone, in my family room, on the coach with my Starbucks and a box of tissues.  And I definitely needed those tissues.  Not because the show was particularly sad, but because she spent the hour reminding me, once again,  to keep life in perspective.  To live with passion and love.  To help others.  To trust my gut.  To listen to my inner voice.  To find my calling.  I’ve struggled a lot lately with the thought of what I’m going to do when both my kiddies go to school full time.  Will I get a regular job?  What is God’s plan for me?  What is my purpose?

Oprah always reminded me that everyone carries the same desires: to be seen, to be heard, to know that they matter.  Oprah always said that we matter because we were born.  That is the strongest message I want to pass along to my children.  That they MATTER.  That they serve a purpose.  They just need to figure out what that is and they need to follow their hearts.  I need to remember this lesson too.

I’m excited that Oprah has her OWN Network.  I’ve already been watching a lot of that programming.  But it won’t be the same without The Oprah Winfrey Show. I’ll miss you, Oprah.  But I’ll always remember to live my best life.

“Until we meet again, to God be the glory” – Oprah’s final words on her show.

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