Annabel’s First Haircut

There was no way I wanted to cut off any of Annabel’s amazing curls.

BUT it was time for a teeny, TINY trim.  Annabel’s hair gets so tangled at night that it’s a struggle to brush it every morning.  The ends were a little dry from the summer sun and fun, so I sucked it up and took my baby girl to the hair salon.  I was going to take her to one of those cartoony, princess, kiddie places, but I changed my mind and took her to my Aveda hair salon.  I figured I should introduce her to the place that she’ll be going to on a regular basis as a teenager.  I was a little worried she’d find it a bit uninteresting, but her eyes widened as soon as saw the shelves filled with fancy bottles and then there was the super cool make-up counter in the lobby.

My awesome stylist Lauryn took Annabel to the big comfy chair and set her up for her very first trim!  It was happening!  The smock went on and Annabel was glued to the giant mirror in front of her.  Hubbie and I were just the photographers after that.  We have the actual scissor cutting moment on video.

Annabel had one inch trimmed off the bottom and her curls bounced right back up!  Yay!  Mama was thrilled. I put the cut curls in a little white envelope to save for her baby book.  Annabel’s favorite part was having her hair “styled” at the end with scrunching product and hair spray.

We decided to make another appointment for February.  Another trim right before her 5th birthday.  Twice a year is all I can handle right now.  I know the days when we’ll be back here every other month for color, highlights, and trendy styles will be here soon enough.  My baby girl just won’t stop growing up.


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