Happy 40th Gwen Stefani

I love Gwen Stefani. 

Playtime Mama Gwen!

I met her once backstage at a concert.  I really wanted my No Doubt Rolling Stone cover signed, but we were only allowed to take some quick photos of the group.  I stuck around until the end and kinda pushed my way to where Gwen was standing.  I remember she was really tall, had on tons of make-up, and was, of course, gorgeous. She graciously signed my magazine while her bodyguards cursed me out.  (That’s what they get paid to do – I totally get it.)

There was a time when I thought Gwen and I led parallel lives.  She’s married to a rock star.  I’m married to a radio star.  She had a son.  Then, I had a son. (She was the reason I bought this baby sling.  She rocked it, so I wanted it.) She’s a blonde.  I’m a blonde.  Well, at least I can dream that I will look half as amazing as she does when I turn 40.  Happy Birthday Gwen!

How cute is Zuma sleeping next to Gwen? A-DORABLE!

How cute is Zuma sleeping next to Gwen? A-DORABLE!

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