Lovely Girl

I am sometimes embarrassed by the amount of blessings in my life.  With everything going on in our world, all the latest tragic events and deep heartache,  it’s always front and center in my mind.  I AM BLESSED.  I’m blessed to spend so much time with my family.  I’m blessed that my husband loves his job (and that he HAS a job.)  I’m blessed to have great friends.  I’m blessed to experience new things and travel and enjoy life.

Well, this weekend was no exception because I was able to hang out with one of my favorite singers/songwriters/ musicians, Taylor Swift.  My husband is a morning radio host so we have amazing opportunities to meet some of our favorite artists and musicians.  I have always loved Taylor.  (I have written about her over 15 times on  She is a sincere and genuine person, a great role model for little girls (including my Annabel), and a super smart cookie for writing all of her own music AND managing a tour of over 200 people and a fleet of stage trucks and tour buses.  Her mom, Andrea Swift (also known by fans as Mama Swift), told me that she was so proud of her daughter’s ability to really manage and take control of the entire RED tour.  And this is a tour that will finish up in the US and then go overseas to New Zealand, Australia, Europe, etc.  Andrea Swift spends time backstage with all the fans and she is also the leader of a backstage tour where I had the chance to see all of the secret pop up doors, costume change areas, and get up and close personal with one sparkling red piano.

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Taylor decorated backstage like a cool lounge hangout called “Club Red.” It had funky decor and lots of snacks and Diet Coke (her latest sponsorship opportunity.)  When she came out to the meet-and-greet area, she was very casual and laid back as always.  I met her once before and she was exactly the same way.  She gives you a hug and wants to know who you are and what songs you like.  I told Taylor that I loved “I Almost Do” off her new album, RED.  I asked if she would be singing it in the show that night.  She told me that she has an acoustic set that is on a second stage and she would play it there since I requested it.  Really? I kept saying.  Really? That would be so cool. Then we talked a little about her latest Disney World trip.  Talking to Taylor is like catching up with an old friend.  She signed a magazine for my daughter Annabel.  She then took a big group photo with all the radio peeps and said she had to get ready for the concert by “changing my dress and putting on a little more makeup.”

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The RED show was a huge production from start to finish with amazing stage dancers, fireworks, and jumbo screens to watch Taylor from every possible angle.  There were so many cool costume changes and set changes.  She engaged the crowd and her voice sounded great. She even made her huge hit, “You Belong With Me” into a 50’s do-wop version .  But the BEST part of the night (for me) was when she kept her promise and played “I Almost Do.”  AND, before she played it, she gave me a little secret shout-out.  I’m the “lovely girl” from the meet-and-greet.  Thank you, Taylor, for an incredible night.  And YOU are truly the loveliest girl of all.

Team Players

I remember when my Saturdays consisted of taking one of the kids to a Gymboree class at our local mall and then we’d have the rest of the day free to shop, go to the park, or be lazy at home.  No more, my friends.

I have two little athletes now and we are busy, busy, busy.  Two weeks ago, Daniel was still doing basketball while he was starting T-ball.  And Annabel has dance class once a week and she just started her very first team sport…soccer!  I’m very thankful to have a husband who can be available in the early evenings to help with practice shuttling.  We are now booked every single Saturday with a game or a practice or birthday party. (Yeah, let’s just throw those birthday parties in there too.  My kids are WAY more popular than me or my husband.  My social life now consists of catching up with all my Mom friends in front of a bounce house.)

My husband and I have also started using these team sports to reinforce our family rules.  It’s more of a family motto: Be kind, helpful, hardworking, and fun.  I say it in the car each morning before school drop-off: Kind, Helpful, Hardworking, Fun.  And it really works for school.  They come home and tell us how they were kind, helpful, hardworking, and fun that day.   I’m hoping it reminds them to make good choices and enjoy learning new things.  And now we’ve modified the motto a bit for these team sports.  It’s especially important for my Annabel who is just entering this new arena.   She had a bit of a rough start with soccer practice because she didn’t want to run and work hard for an entire hour.  She tends to get a little lazy and was more interested in the “water breaks.”  But we reminded her that she wouldn’t get a star on her “star chart” if she didn’t follow our new family SPORTS rules:  No Crying, No Whining, Always Do Your Best, and Have Fun.

And it’s been working.  It worked great for this past Saturday’s game when Annabel fell and scraped her elbows and her knees.  First, serious props to her amazing coach who won’t let them quit!  I almost ran out on the field because she was limping and crying.  But in the end she was fine, just a little shaken and unmotivated.  During a break I reminded her about our new rules:  “No crying” and “no whining” and that she had to finish the game by “doing her best” and “having fun.”  She dried her tears, took a sip of water, ate a few goldfish crackers, and was back in the game.  She finished with a smile and, not only was I super proud of her, but she was proud of herself.  She was just so happy.  (Okay, it also could have been that cookie with icing from the snack mom, but I’ll take it!)

And with Daniel, these sports rules help to continually motivate him to do his best.  Sure, I know my little boy is motivated by the fact that he gets a new app for his iPad after he earns a certain amount of sports stars, but he has improved SO much since last year.  He’s confident, happy, and really loving his time on the basketball court and baseball field.  He works hard out there.  He gets so focused that he might get too competitive sometimes, so our new thing for him to work on is to support and cheer on his friends and not be a sore loser.

I always knew competitive sports would be a great way for my kids to stay healthy and learn to work with others, but I’m loving what they are learning about themselves.  That they’re stronger than they realized and that things that start off hard can turn out to be really, really fun.  Go, team!

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One, two, three, four, five.  It feels like that.  So fast.  In a flash.  Another birthday.  Don’t move.  Don’t look now. But my BABY GIRL is FIVE.

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And she will always be my baby.  The one who completed our family.  The one with the big eyes.  The one with the amazing head of curls.  The one with the biggest heart.  The one who runs from the car when she sees a friend so she can hold their hand.  The one who wants extra kisses for her pocket.  The one who says “I love you” all day long.  The one with the stubborn streak.  The one who loves ballet.  The one who loves music and knows all the words to every popular song.  The one who lovingly names every single one of her stuffed animals.  The one who loves pizza with fresh basil and black olives.  The one who adores her brother.

This one.

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I still stare at her and can’t believe she’s mine.  She wants her independence but (thank goodness) she still wants to cuddle, hold my hand, and crawl into bed with me when she wakes up before the sun.  She likes to pick out her own clothes and shoes now.  She also asks to get her nails done.  She finally loves her bike and is excited to start soccer this spring.  She’s our little social butterfly who constantly talks about her friends. She loves to go on adventures and tells us she will live in New York City one day.

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I remember the day you were born.  Every detail.  And now you’re five, Annabel.  One, two, three, four, five. Five.  FIVE.

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Happy Birthday, baby girl.  I love you.


Chew it. Don’t Swallow it.

Sometimes milestones are just…funny.  Special thanks to our next door neighbor for the two pieces of Trident Tropical Twist chewing gum.  Man, I love my kids.


It’s Working

I brainwash tell my kids on a daily basis that they are best friends.  I also instill in Daniel that he has big brother duties.  He must watch out for his little sister.  I make sure he walks her to class in the morning and I watch him grab her hand as they meet me at the car in the afternoon.  I want them to always have each other’s back.  I want them to understand that their friendship is forever.  I think it’s working.

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Little Things

Everyone says, “It’s about the little things.”  And if you think about it, it doesn’t make much sense.  Shouldn’t IT be about the BIG things?  Like wedding days and your kid being born and a new job that made you move across the country?

Well, that “kid being born” part shifts your perspective straight to those “little things.”  Like a first step, first smile, first poop on the potty, first time sleeping through the night (Hallelujah!)

And what I didn’t realize until recently was that it’s also about MY little things. Like mastering the right bottle temperature, surviving my first Gymboree class, making new Mommy friends, remembering to buy strawberry milk because it’s Annabel’s first time with a new babysitter.

But one of my so-called “little things” has always felt really BIG: I don’t cook.  I just don’t enjoy it.  It is something that creates anxiety in me.  I mean, it’s just a pot (or a pan) and some water and some other ingredients, right?  What’s my drama?

My husband is an amazing chef in the kitchen, and he enjoys it, so it defaults to him.  But this Christmas break we were visiting my parents in Maryland and my husband went out with my Dad to the bar on some errands.  It was just me and the kids.  They had come inside from playing in the snow.   By the way, how awesome for my Florida babies to experience snowfall, snowmen, and snow angels for the first time?  They even pounded me with a bunch of snowballs, so we were all wet and chilly and drying off in the house.  And wouldn’t this be the PERFECT time for some hot chocolate?

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I looked in the kitchen cabinets and my mom did not have any of that instant hot chocolate where you just “add water.”  But she did have an opened container of Hershey’s Cocoa powder with a hot chocolate recipe on the back.

“PERFECTLY CHOCOLATE” Hot Cocoa  (“Perfectly?” Yeah, not intimidating AT ALL.)

Skill Level:Beginner
Prep Time: 2 Minutes
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons HERSHEY’S Cocoa
  •  Dash salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in large mug.
Heat milk in microwave at HIGH (100%) 1-1/2 minutes or until hot.
Gradually add hot milk to cocoa mixture in mug, stirring until well blended.  Stir in vanilla. 1 serving.


I’m embarrassed to say that I almost told the kids we can’t make hot chocolate, but then I thought, “It says ‘Beginner.’  It says ‘microwave.’ YOU CAN DO THIS.”

And I did it!  And this “little thing” felt like the biggest accomplishment of the entire trip.   I followed the directions exactly as written while masking any self doubt along the way.  And somehow it all worked out and I made HOMEMADE hot chocolate with whipped cream on top! The kids loved it  They said it tasted GOOD! (Hallelujah!) And they will never really understand that this drink they finished in about 30 seconds gave me the best feeling ever.

I like you, “little things.”

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A Year in Review

In 2012…

Daniel lost these and this.

Annabel rode this.

I met a pop star.

I mourned a pop star.

I loved a new one.

And a country one.

And something red.

My men came back.

I enjoyed a new series.

And some new TV shows.

And new music.

We spent a week at the happiest place on earth.

And some time in another world.

And visited our favorite city.

The kids went to their very first concert.

Things ended.

Then, new things began.

I launched.

Annabel had TWO firsts.

We went back to the beach.

And back to school.

We were inside.

And outside.

I voted.

I donated.

My heart broke into a million pieces.

I reflectedA LOTThen, reflected.  Again. And again.

Then the year ended on a high note!  Literally!  Annabel took her very first airplane ride when we went to visit family and friends in Washington, DC/MD over Christmas break.  She loved every minute of it.

annabel airplane

My Florida kids also saw snow!  They tasted snowflakes (Annabel’s favorite), threw snowballs (Daniel’s favorite), and built their very first miniature snowman.  Complete with poker chip eyes (Thanks, Grandpa!) and a carrot nose, of course.

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We spent “Noon” Year’s Eve back home with our great friends – a new tradition, which I love.  And we cheered to a brand new year.

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And, man, am I ready for a brand new year.  2012 was a roller coaster year of emotions and emotional decisions for me and my family.  Some things I did not write about, but most things I did.  It’s therapeutic for me to pour my thoughts and feelings on this website and watch you agree (or disagree!)  It’s comforting when you tell me you understand.  Or that you’re angry too.  Or that you even like the same TV show I like.  Or you think I should DEFINITELY start a “Hot Guys Just Hanging Out and Looking Hot” Pinterest board. (Hi, Ryan!)

Thank you for coming back.  Thank you for your comments.  Happy New Year, friends.  Here’s to an exciting, yet peaceful, 2013.


This is the word I am using to describe EVERYTHING now.  I’m so blessed.  You’re so blessed.  We’re so blessed.  My kids finished up their short week with Christmas parties and lunches.  Today was a half day and all the students gathered to watch my son’s Kindergarten class perform a nativity play.   Both my kids have amazing teachers and I’m in love with their school. Now we’re on Christmas break and the house is filled with laughter and crazy energy.

I’m just so, so blessed.xmas12 - 1

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I wanted to come back here to post a picture of Daniel’s certificate from his Mind Math class.  It was his first ever A+.  And post the pictures from Annabel’s Christmas dance recital.  She was a beautiful snowflake.   But then, everything changed. I’ve been existing in a dark, cloudy emotional space for the past three days.  There are parents, there are MOTHERS, who won’t be spending Christmas morning with their babies.  There were 20 beautiful children and several loving teachers taken away from us way too soon because of someone evil.  I should say “mentally ill,” but I just don’t feel like it.

I saw one of the little girl’s father on the news.  He was asking us to pray for the family of the shooter.  Of the evil one.  I just can’t do it. Not yet.

My husband came home early on Friday so we could pick up our kids in the carpool lane together.  Those were the longest 30 minutes of my life.  When I saw them running to the car, hand-in-hand with backpacks flying and big smiles on their faces, I almost broke down.  My eyes were already red and puffy and I tried to hide that.  I just hugged them.  Really hard.

I want to talk to their school.  I want to know what the plan is for something like this.  Is there a cabinet or a storage closet ready to go?  Does my kid’s teacher have someone with mental illness in their life?  Should there be an armed guard at the front door? Should I home school?

I want to scream to the heavens and ask, why, just WHY? I want to stop walking around in hazy circles.  I want to stop checking the news websites every hour waiting for updates and watching the children’s names emerge.  One is named Daniel.

It was a horrible day.   It continues to feel horrible.  I’m a mother and I just feel every mother’s pain.  It’s so deep that I can’t even imagine what they must feel.  I can’t imagine. I just pray.

I want to send them something.  I want to do something for them.  I want to hug them.  All of them.  I want to take my children and run away.  Or lock them in the house and never leave.   I want to take away all the guns.  I feel that it’s my job to protect them from this big, bad world.  I hate that I feel that way.

Instead, I will take them back to school in the morning.  With a heavier heart.  And a little more fear.  And also with immense gratitude.  And with so many questions running through my head.  And with the sadness that comes from living in a world that continues to chip away at our children’s innocence.

This image brought me some peace. It’s called “Security” from

Happiness is a Store-Bought Cookie

Oh my goodness. It’s so easy for me to get caught up in all this holiday “hustle and bustle.” I love Christmas. I love the spirit of Christmas.  But I tend to stress over the details and that always takes away some of the enjoyment.  We have to get to the store today to get this toy before it’s gone! We have to get the Christmas card photo done NOW or they will never get out in time!  We need to make a list of teacher gifts! And on and on.  I decided yesterday that I’m officially relieving myself of the traditional duty of baking Christmas cookies.  This is HUGE for me.  I don’t like to give up.  But cooking and baking are not my “thing.” The worst part? I just don’t enjoy it.  The thought of filling the kitchen with lovely smells of sugar and spice as carols fill the air sounds really cool and all, but it never turns out that way.  I will get frustrated and grumpy and no one has any fun.  And the cookies never taste that great.  So I’ve decided to have the kids pick out their favorite Whole Foods bakery cookies on Christmas Eve and that will be our new family tradition.  (They are soooo yummy.)

I think because I love Christmas so much I feel a need to make everything perfect.  I want the perfect advent/countdown calendar.  I tape every holiday TV special and I will beat myself up if I miss one.  I will analyze the stocking stuffers to make sure I have the right amount and they all have some special meaning.  I want everyone to have their perfect Santa visit outfit, Christmas Eve outfit, and Christmas Day outfit.  I want the Santa cookie jar filled with lots of homemade goodies.  It’s all motivated by me wanting to give my children perfect Christmas memories.  But I’ve finally realized that if I don’t stop for a second, I’ll miss the memories I’m trying to create.  And what’s perfect even mean?

This was the first year I did not venture out on Black Friday and I was so happy with that decision.  Rather than spinning in circles at the shopping mall, I was relaxing on the couch with my family.  We talked and played games.  We watched a movie.  It was worth so much more than a discount I would have received on something at the Disney Store.

I’m Daniel’s room mom and I’ve been stressing about the costumes for his Christmas play.  I had to cut head and arm holes into tons of pillowcases and I worry that some are off-center or too jaggedy.  But then I thought about it.  The kids are so excited for the play.  The teachers can’t wait for the parents to see it.  And no one will even notice a not-so-perfect costume.  I should feel blessed to spend so much time in my son’s classroom.  Today I got a special “sneak peek” at one of the Christmas presents for the Moms.  I watched Daniel play with his buddies and make a LEGO rocket ship.   He loves when I’m there.  That’s all that matters.

I took Annabel to her dance class yesterday so she could rehearse for the Christmas recital.  I usually sit there with my iPhone and my Kindle getting work done or catching up on a new book.  (Right now I’m reading Rob Lowe’s autobiography and it’s awesome.)  But then something just shook me.  I just stopped and looked up.

My little girl was dancing.  She was twirling in circles and giggling with her friends.  She was following her teacher’s moves by looking in the mirror over my head.  I was mesmerized by her concentration and by that look of innocent joy.  She was in the moment.  I put everything away and just enjoyed her.  I felt my eyes well up and I’m sure the other Moms were wondering why I was so emotional.  I just felt so overwhelmed by the moment.  THIS IS WHAT IT’S ABOUT, I thought.  Don’t forget THIS.

So I’m declaring here and now that I will no longer spend my holiday time stressing about a teacher gift, a party dress, or that toy I didn’t buy yet.  It’s not worth it.  I’d much rather be with my family.  In the moment.  Eating a store-bought cookie.