Archives for October 2009

Pink Umbrella

Bean loves to play with my little pink umbrella when it’s raining outside.  And it rains A LOT here. 

But the amazing thing about this little pink umbrella….


… is that it was with me during a summer vacation in Venice, Italy.  That was when my little Bean was still just a *twinkle* in my eye.


Where does the time go?

Another reminder…

that our brave men and women are still out there fighting for our freedom. 

And sometimes they have to leave their little loved ones behind.

Paige Bennethum, 4, holds her daddy's hand as he lines up in formation before heading to Iraq. (Credit: Abby Bennethum)

Paige Bennethum, 4, holds her daddy's hand as he lines up in formation before heading to Iraq. (Credit: Abby Bennethum)

Happy 40th Gwen Stefani

I love Gwen Stefani. 

Playtime Mama Gwen!

I met her once backstage at a concert.  I really wanted my No Doubt Rolling Stone cover signed, but we were only allowed to take some quick photos of the group.  I stuck around until the end and kinda pushed my way to where Gwen was standing.  I remember she was really tall, had on tons of make-up, and was, of course, gorgeous. She graciously signed my magazine while her bodyguards cursed me out.  (That’s what they get paid to do – I totally get it.)

There was a time when I thought Gwen and I led parallel lives.  She’s married to a rock star.  I’m married to a radio star.  She had a son.  Then, I had a son. (She was the reason I bought this baby sling.  She rocked it, so I wanted it.) She’s a blonde.  I’m a blonde.  Well, at least I can dream that I will look half as amazing as she does when I turn 40.  Happy Birthday Gwen!

How cute is Zuma sleeping next to Gwen? A-DORABLE!

How cute is Zuma sleeping next to Gwen? A-DORABLE!

Open Letter to Kate Gosselin

Dear Kate,

Please quit the show.

Quit the show that involves you and your eight adorable children.  We’ve watched them grow up on TV and it has been a fun and joyful ride, but now it’s enough.  Cara and Mady especially need to move on without cameras.  I heard you say on The Today Show this morning that your children LOVE the show and that they were “wailing and sobbing” when they found out their Daddy had temporarily pulled the plug.  That may be true but I know kids and YOU know kids, Kate.  Give it a week and they will be glad the cameras are gone. You have given them an amazing life and that will continue on.

We all understand you need the money.  You have eight kids! But I think YOU should do a show. You can do a talk show or a lifestyle show about raising eight kids. Take us back to when we first loved Jon & Kate Plus 8. We loved YOU and were in awe of how well you organized your house and your life.  You had fun holiday ideas and interesting outings.  You can take all that and put it into a talk show about being a single mom.


That’s the other thing Kate.  You and Jon are over.  O-V-E-R. We all know it.  Jon nailed that door shut when he showed up in the tabloids a week later with his new girlfriend.  I wrote here that I thought maybe you both could (or should) still work it out.  I still believe that marriage is sacred and you should try and save it.  But based on Jon’s antics and all this back and forth press that continues on and on and on, it is time for you both to MOVE ON.  Sign the divorce papers.  Take off your ring.

You are a strong woman, Kate.  You can do it on your own.  But be sure to get some really supportive people around you. I felt sick when I saw this interview with your brother and sister-in-law.  They may have been trying to protect your children, but they are just as bad as the papparazi when they run their mouths to an online tabloid magazine.

You can absolutely do a  television show that does not have your kids in it.  You are a star.  You are a celebrity.  And that is what will make you money.  Write more books.  Write your cookbook.  People will buy it.

There’s a small window of opportunity here.  This whole thing is tuning into a really bad he said/she said eight-ring circus. You’ve said that you will take the high road.  We all appreciate that. So end Jon & Kate plus 8 (or Kate plus 8) NOW.  Do it before you lose all your fans.  Do it now with dignity.  Do it before we do it for you.

Take some time off to be with your kids in this new transition.  When you are ready, come back.

We will be here.



I am SO happy it’s October.  The over-the-top heat in Florida lasts from May all the way to September.  March is truly the best weather month.  Second is October.  The heat broke today.  It’s like Florida knew it was October and said, “Okay, I’ll give you guys a break already.  You can wear shorts and short sleeve tops and feel COMFORTABLE.”  It’s great.  I took Annabel out in the wagon today and I didn’t complain at all!  I didn’t walk a block and come running back into the air conditioning!  I actually STROLLED around the block.  It was nice.

October also means Halloween.  When I didn’t have kids, I really couldn’t CARE LESS about Halloween.  It’s just not my holiday.  I LOVE Christmas and save all my decorating dollars for Christmas stuff.  But now that I have kids I have to give a little in the budget to every holiday.  Number one on the Halloween list is always the costumes.  But then I have to buy a door wreath, a sign for the window, random knick-knacks for the house.  I picked up some cute stuffed pumpkins from Hallmark on clearance last year.  Since the kiddies are three and 19 months, it’s still necessary to have the non breakables.  (I’ll save the ceramic candy corn dish for later on.)

And today at Target, I found this:

YES, witches can come in BLUE.

YES, witches can come in BLUE.

It’s a Halloween countdown witch.  I love it because we have a Santa one for Christmas.  Okay, the kiddies were a TEENY bit scared of her at first, but they’ll warm up.  It’s so darn cute.  Only 30 days until Halloween!

*BTW, on a COMPLETELY different note, how GOOD did Madonna look on David Letterman last night?  She makes me want to grow my hair out, buy a sexy black dress, and wear some really expensive shades.  She rocked it.
