Archives for March 2011

Facing My Fears: Sugar Cookies

I’m not a good cook.  My hubbie is the cook in our family, or, rather, he is the CHEF.  He’s amazing and I’m not motivated to go head to head with his skills.  It’s fine by me.  I like to bake. Sometimes.

Now that Bean is in preschool he is anointed with the “star of the week” title about 3 times during the school year.  As part of the fun, he has to bring in a toy and a book to share each day.  He loves it.  He gets to show off his collection of trucks and cars and books that he loves to read.  On Friday, he has to bring in a special snack to share with the class.  When I think “snack”, I think apple slices or peanut butter crackers or popcorn.  But I quickly learned that when the kids think “snack” it means cupcakes, cookies or brownies.  SUGAR, basically.  In the fall we made cupcakes with leaf sprinkles.  They were a hit!  Yahoo! This time Bean wanted to make sugar cookies.

I loved the idea because the letter they were studying last week was “S.”  So we decided to make SUGAR cookies in the SHAPE of STARS with SPRINKLES!

Easy, right?  Well, not for me, the amateur baker mom.  I know I need to amp up my baking skills since I soon will have TWO kiddies in school.  I didn’t go all homemade but I did buy the sugar cookie package instead of the “bake and break” variety.

The tough part turned out to be the star shapes.  The dough was a bit sticky so pushing the cookie cutters on the dough and then trying to lift up each individual star shape was not working.  Bean and I used our creative skills and made each one directly on the cookie sheet.  It took longer, but it worked!

I found this recipe for the sugar cookie icing.  I give it two thumbs up.  The icing was smooth and shiny.  We used paint brushes to spread on the icing.  That was super fun for Bean.  I personally love, love, love the almond taste and it did not overpower the sugar icing too much either.  Then we quickly tossed on the sprinkles before the icing dried and Voila!  All done!

Since I always anticipate a hiccup when I’m cooking or baking, I decided to use crafty packaging in order to make the cookies SEEM more delicious.   I bought the cellophane bags from Hobby Lobby (my new favorite place) and tied them with ribbon. Each kid would get one star cookie and then we bundled extra cookies together for the teachers.  Then put everything in a fancy basket and there is no way they could be bad.

The cookies actually DID taste good, despite a nightmare I had which involved all the kids throwing their cookies back at Daniel and demanding a cupcake instead.  That didn’t happen at all.  In fact, Daniel said some of the kids asked for seconds!  Awesome! Always leave them wanting more.  I now have 8 weeks to figure out my next sugary creation.

My American Idol Favorites ’11

I’ve picked my four favorite American Idol contestants for Season 10.  I did this last year and one of my picks actually won the whole thing and became the American Idol!  (Lee Dewyze.  Remember him?)

I’ve decided to abandon my two girls and two boys rule.  I just think the boys have more potential this season.  I’m excited.

Good luck, guys! (and gal!)

Casey Abrams

Stefano Langone

Scotty McCreery

Lauren Alaina

Annabel’s First Ballet Class

I have been waiting for Annabel to take her first ballet class since the day she was born.

That might be a BIT of an exaggeration (I’m a girly girl.  I admit it.) But, nonetheless, I was so excited to go out and buy her the “required” pink ballet tights, pink leotard, and fancy pink ballet shoes.  Annabel could not wait to take those shoes out of the box today.   We were off to her very first ballet class.

I found a dance instructor who teachers toddlers and preschoolers in a church facility about 10 minutes away from our house. Her philosophy is great.  She wants the kids to have fun and dance with joy.  She does not want to make it too technical or too competitive.  There is small recital at the end of the semester.  I thought it sounded perfect for Annabel.

And it was.  I was a little worried because this was the first time I was leaving her alone in a closed room with a teacher.  When I tried this with Daniel for the first time at age 3, it did not go so well.  There was some separation anxiety.  This is the one negative (in my opinion) of being a stay-at-home-Mama.   They become attached and want to be with me, or their sibling, all the time.  Annabel’s personality is little more relaxed than Daniel’s PLUS she has the advantage of seeing her guinea pig brother do everything first.  She went in that room with no hesitation.

I peeked in a few times to watch her.  She was intently following all of the instructions.  The teacher showed her how to stand on a star on the floor.  She rocked a prentend baby from side to side in her arms. There were hobby horses to practice galloping in circles.  She even had a wand with a ribbon to swirl in the air and pretend she was a princess.  Her favorite part was watching herself in the big mirror on the wall.

At the end of class, the teacher said Annabel did a great job and she would see us next week. I never know what to expect with my little princess diva these days, but I think deep down I always knew she would love dance class.  She’s my ballerina girl.  (And I still can’t get that Lionel Richie song out of my head either.)





Oscars ’11

I thought Anne Hathaway and James Franco were just ho-hum hosts of this year’s Academy Awards, but Anne sure did look amazing in all her costume changes.  She kept smiling through all the zaniness of the evening.

The King’s Speech was the big winner picking up the awards for Best Picture and Best Lead Actor.  I was crossing my fingers that The Social Network would win the big prize, but it didn’t happen.  Boo.  At least Social Network star Justin Timberlake was there and looking super cute in his tux.  And he brought his mom as his date.  Even cuter.

I was happy that Natalie Portman won for Best Lead Actress for her portrayal of a tortured ballet dancer in Black Swan.  Her baby now has an awesome story about also attending the Academy Awards.  Natalie looked pretty in purple.

I must also mention Matthew McConaughey because we are BFFs.  (Well, sort of.)  And he looked hot.  Scarlett Johansson didn’t look too bad either.

But my favorite dress of the evening was worn by Mila Kunis from Black Swan.   She looked amazing and she gets major credit for keeping the purple doilies on the top of her dress perfectly intact.  You go, girl.