Oscars ’11

I thought Anne Hathaway and James Franco were just ho-hum hosts of this year’s Academy Awards, but Anne sure did look amazing in all her costume changes.  She kept smiling through all the zaniness of the evening.

The King’s Speech was the big winner picking up the awards for Best Picture and Best Lead Actor.  I was crossing my fingers that The Social Network would win the big prize, but it didn’t happen.  Boo.  At least Social Network star Justin Timberlake was there and looking super cute in his tux.  And he brought his mom as his date.  Even cuter.

I was happy that Natalie Portman won for Best Lead Actress for her portrayal of a tortured ballet dancer in Black Swan.  Her baby now has an awesome story about also attending the Academy Awards.  Natalie looked pretty in purple.

I must also mention Matthew McConaughey because we are BFFs.  (Well, sort of.)  And he looked hot.  Scarlett Johansson didn’t look too bad either.

But my favorite dress of the evening was worn by Mila Kunis from Black Swan.   She looked amazing and she gets major credit for keeping the purple doilies on the top of her dress perfectly intact.  You go, girl.

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