GLEE: I Want to Hold Your Hand

Wow, Glee

You made me cry last night.  Some of my tears were tears of joy because, after last week’s so-so Britney Spears episode, you came back in a BIG way. “Grilled Cheesus” was the best episode of the season thus far.   (It was an awesome name for an episode AND an awesome storyline to go along with it.)

Most of my tears were from watching Kurt sing this slow and dramatic version of the Beatles’ “I Want to Hold Your Hand.”  He was singing to his Dad who was seriously ill in the hospital.   Bravo to Chris Colfer for an amazing performance.

I also have a slight crush on Cory Monteith so I had to include this clip of Finn singing a cover of REM’s “Losing My Religion.”


  1. How adorable was “little Kurt”??? He looked just like Chris Colfer!! I did enjoy Finn’s version of Losing My Religion, but really liked Rachel’s Papa Can You Hear Me. Brilliant!

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