Halloween ’09

Halloween (literally) started out a little scary this year.  We had to take our baby girl to an emergency doctor appointment early Saturday morning.  She was up all night with a crazy cough and raspy breathing.  I slept next to her crib holding her hand. It was awful.  Her small sniffle from earlier in the week had turned into a respiratory infection. The doctor gave her some medicine and she was feeling better by late Saturday afternoon. She was a little grumpy, but still ready to rally for some neighborhood trick-or-treating.

Daddy and Daniel were in charge of the pumpkins.  They carved four pumpkins in two hours and had a blast:


Daniel was our boy pirate:


(He only had that sword for photos and then it was banished to the bedroom.  It was just too much fun to swing at things, including his little sister.)

Annabel was our girl pirate:


My poor thing.  You can tell from her face that she is not 100%.  I was just happy she put on the fancy dress, tights, and shoes.  The head scarf was on and off.

Let’s go trick-or-treating!



Annabel wanted to take Pinky along for the fun since she was having a yucky day. She went to about 10 houses and Daniel went to 10 more.  It was a lot of fun for Daniel since it was his first Halloween where he really GOT the fact that you just have to knock on the door, say “trick-or-treat!” and you get candy. Oh, and of course you have to say “thank you” too.

Since Annabel was sick on Saturday, Daddy made his Jack-O-Lantern chocolate chip pancakes on Sunday morning instead.  Of course the “Fall Back” time change just added to the fun.  (Ugh, not really.)  Happy Halloween!


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