Happy Halloween ’10

Now that the kiddies are 4 and 2, the Halloween celebrations have kicked up a notch.  We basically celebrate Halloween the entire month of October.

This year it started when I hung the “Countdown to Halloween” Witch sign on the wall and it finally ended last night when I wrestled the plastic pumpkins filled with candy from their hands. Daniel has school parties now and Annabel was invited to a Mommy & Me costume party for the first time.  I’m a little jealous of their social network, I’ll be honest.  But I get to live vicariously through them, so that’s fine.

Daniel’s Halloween celebration started at his preschool and since they are not allowed to wear costumes, everyone rocked a team jersey.  Here he is doing some pumpkin rolling and candy hunting:

His most favorite part was the eating and there was plenty of sweet stuff to go around including pumpkin donuts from Krispy Kreme.  It took every cell in my body to not eat one.  They looked so yummy.

Annabel is still going through her princess diva phase so she spent the first half of her costume party observing from a distance:

But then she decided to have fun and dove right in making crafts, playing with the sand table and eating lots of junk food.  She had a blast.

Then it was finally Halloween night and my Tinkerbell and Cowboy were ready to go:

They trick or treated for an HOUR.  That was a new record.   The weather was perfect.   We shared some candy before bedtime and now I’m in the process of packing up all the decorations and moving on to the next holiday. (But I did get some AMAZING deals this morning when Annabel and I went Halloween clearance shopping! Woo Hoo!)

Hope your Halloween was awesome too.

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