One More Thing Before We Head Full Force Into November

Well, FOUR more things.  Quick things.  Promise.

My last week of October was CRAZY.  Annabel had her very first class party.  It was “Fall” themed and I was one of the moms in charge of the crafts, food, and fun.  It was also my first time observing her in the classroom setting and it was such a joy to see her interacting with her little friends.

Daniel had his Fall “Hoe Down” at school where the kids gathered in the gymnasium for games and DJ dancing.  Daniel did not dance, but he loved the games. He’s a pretty competitive kid.  I think he won about fifteen Halloween themed pencils and slap bracelets.

Then, later that night, my super hot and hip hubbie had a big Halloween bash with his radio station.  He went as rapper Pitbull.  I went as a Mom who stays home to babysit while wearing comfy PJs and watching backlogged episodes of Up All Night.  Here’s a photo of the real Pitbull:

And here’s Hubbie in his costume:

Pretty good, huh?  I’m still getting used to his super shaved head.  He wants to keep it.  We’ll see…

Finally, we hosted a Halloween party at our house for some close friends on Saturday afternoon.  The weather had the perfect Autumn chill so of course we made the kids bob for apples in a bin filled with cool water.  They loved it.  We also had a bounce house, pin the tail on the black cat, a bat pinata, and lots of really good “bad” food.

Okay.  I think I’m ready to say, “Hello, November.”  How about you?

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