A “2” and a “3”

I always wanted two children.  And I knew they would be close in age.  My husband and I were married for five years before we had Daniel. It was the perfect timing for us.  We enjoyed late night dinners, Sunday afternoon movie dates, and tons of LEISURELY activities before our lives were turned upside down, I mean BLESSED, with two amazing kiddies.

YES, we know we are TRULY blessed.


Annabel was born 17.5 months after Daniel.  So that makes our kids 17.5 months apart.  I usually just say 18 months apart when people ask, because they DO ask.  My kids look like twins sometimes.  They act like twins sometimes.  It’s been an interesting dynamic.

I didn’t really think about the age difference as being that important until the past month or so.  I now believe my kiddies are at their PEAK of CRAZINESS.  And I say that endearingly.  I really do.  They are so much fun and they make me laugh out loud with the things they do, say, and ask on a daily basis.  But, MAN, I have to be honest and say that some days are REALLY HARD.  The worst part is that they switch their Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde roles daily.

We went to Disney on Ice on Saturday afternoon and I was so surprised when Daniel started WHINING and asking to go home.  He’s usually not a whiner. But he was just in that mood.  When we told him we were going to stay and it was going to be SO MUCH FUN, he just wanted a lemonade.  Then, a popcorn.  Then, cotton candy.  Then, MORE lemonade.  Then, he had to go the bathroom.  Then, he wanted to go home…again. 

Annabel, on the other hand, had the most amazing time.  She sat on my lap, completely wide eyed, enjoying the entire experience.  She danced and clapped and waved to Mickey and Minnie and all the Disney Princesses.   

When we got home, Daniel continued to whine about the grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner.  He would not eat it.  Then, he decided he would eat.  But ONLY the soup. Then, he didn’t want a bath.  Then, he cried when he couldn’t watch TV.  It just kept going on and on and on.  Annabel was just fine throughout Daniel’s mood swings but she also tends to ignore Daniel when he acts this way.

Well, today was Annabel’s turn!  She woke up smiling and happy, but after that, I could not do one thing right.  She did not want her banana for breakfast.  No, wait, she does want it!  Then, no, no, she doesn’t.  Then, she wanted more milk.  Then, NO, NO MILK!   Daniel was laughing at her and that was not helping the situation.  Then, after breakfast, she was playing with Lego’s when all of a sudden she just laid down on the floor and started to scream and cry.  I have learned not to approach her when she does this because it just makes everything worse.  OH, YES IT DOES.  After two minutes, she stood up, ran to her bedroom, grabbed a bunch of stuffed animals, threw them on the floor, fell on them, and cried some more.  Daniel was hysterical with laughter. 

I told him that was “not nice” so we went to color at the kitchen table.  Five minutes later, here comes Annabel, running out of her room with a big smile on her face, her curls bouncing while she says, “HI MAMA! HI DANIEL!” with such JOY!  It was adorable.  And weird.  And I really wanted to get off the emotional roller coaster already.

But that’s what it’s like in my world with a 2 year old going through the stereotypical “terrible” stage and a 3 year old who wants to exert his independence and give his opinion.   I read other Mommy Blogs on a daily basis and many Moms say that these “terrible twos” get worse when your child turns THREE.  Well, I have BOTH right now, thank you very much.

 Here’s what Tori Spelling tweeted this morning:


EXACTLY. It’s SO nice to know I’m not alone in this mind blowing world of parenting.  And that’s why I blog.  And read blogs.  And twitter. And communicate.  Because I want to know I’m not alone.

Especially when I’m dealing with some seriously cute little CRAZIES.




  1. You are not alone. 🙂 But you need to get used to the roller coaster mood swings. My sons are 20 months apart and are now teenagers and they still act like toddlers sometimes. Parents with grown kids tell me that the day the roller coaster ride stops, I’ll wonder where all the excitement went and lament at the boredom. We’ll see… LOL

  2. Hi there – I saw your comments over at Mom-101 and decided to stop by. I just have the one child who just recently turned three and I think two and three are about as difficult when the going gets tough, just in different ways. At two communication is still tricky whereas at three it becomes a matter of never ending negotiating!!

    But it will get better – and having your children close in age will be a blessing as they get older. Your daughter’s curls are just so cute – my daughter has curly hair too but not quite as curly as yours.

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