Annabel’s First Dentist Visit

Annabel had her very first dentist visit yesterday! (I documented Bean’s very first dentist visit HERE.)

Annabel was a little nervous and clung to me while I filled out the paperwork.  But her fear soon turned to curiosity and excitement.  We have the best pediatric dentist because his office is an amusement park of giant sized crayons, fish tanks, and video games.  There are even TVs on the ceiling so the kids can watch a Disney movie while they get their teeth cleaned.

Look! Nemo!

Picking out their toothbrushes.

Wow! Check out this big room and the TV on the ceiling!

Sitting on Mama's lap AND watching TV. The dentist rocks!

The ceiling movie was Toy Story 2.  Annabel opted to sit on my lap during her time in the chair, but she did OPEN HER MOUTH (Yahoo!) and let the hygienist brush and floss her teeth.  She was practically lounging when the dentist came to examine and count her teeth.  It was a huge success! (Oh, except for the part when the dentist told me she will need a mouth guard and braces.  Again, how do they know this already?  She’s TWO!)

The grand finale was the wall toy box.  And my kiddies can not resist those funny face glasses.

Picking out a goody from the toy box.

Cheese! See you in 6 months.

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