
Annabel is left handed. 

I never really thought about it.  And I think about EVERYTHING when it comes to my kiddies.  Then, one day I found myself wondering, “Wait a minute.  Is that her LEFT hand she’s using to press those buttons on the really loud and obnoxious Elmo pop-up toy over and over and over again?  Why, YES IT IS!” 

Then, I would always put the fork in her RIGHT hand only to watch her switch it to her LEFT hand.  Hmmm.  When we visited my sister at Christmas (note: Sis is a lefty), she SCREAMED with delight when she saw Annabel use her left hand to pick up a crayon and color on a piece of paper.  I still was not 100% convinced. 

“I think she still uses BOTH hands,” I said.

“NOPE.” said Sis. “She is a lefty!  DEFINITLY.  WOO HOO!”

Now that it’s been almost a month later, I will concede.  My daughter is a lefty.  (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)  She joins an exclusive club filled with many other super cool left handed peeps including:  Her godmother (my sister), President Obama, President Bush, Oprah, Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Sting, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Robert DeNiro, Jerry Seinfeld, Bruce Willis, Justin Bieber, Rocky, and Kermit the Frog.  


In other “unique trait” news, check out what my SON can do.  I’m so proud.

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