
Daniel’s soccer season ended on Saturday.  This was his very first team sport experience with weekly practices and games.  This was my first experience being a “soccer mom.”  I had so much fun.  Daniel did too.

Sure, there were days when he was happy the game was about to end, but overall he enjoyed it.  He liked to spend time with his friends.  He liked to run around.  He especially liked to run and fake fall on the ground which made me especially nervous because of the recent Easter forehead injury.  The soccer league did a great job of encouraging fun and team spirit.  They provided the kids with cool orange jerseys and matching socks.  All the parents helped out with half time snacks and end of game snacks to keep the kids motivated. (Popsicles were the winning favorite.) Hubbie was an assistant coach and the kids just loved him.  Annabel was an awesome cheerleader and a great sport.  She was there ever single Saturday to watch Daniel in her pink princess chair.  (She was also armed with a big bag of fun distractions.) We didn’t keep score.  Well, not officially anyway.  (We won over half our games. Yay!) And the very best part?  Daniel said he would like to play again next year.  SCORE.

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