Oscars ’10

There are SO MANY reasons to be excited for The Hurt Locker winning SO MANY awards last night, including Best Picture. First, it’s a GREAT film.  Second, it’s one of the only nominated films I was able to squeeze into a Friday night this year, so I was rooting for it all the way.  Third, the movie is so amazingly shot and directed that it feels like a documentary.  Finally, the many strong performances, led by Jeremy Renner, were honest and captivating. 


I know Jeremy will be getting film offers left and right.  He’s a super talented (not to mention good looking) leading man.  I read he was romancing Jessica Simpson at a pre-Oscar bash and I think that would be great.  (No matter what you think of Jessica, she definitely needs to find a good man.)

History was also made last night.  It was the first time a female director won the Best Director honor, so that was doubly awesome for The Hurt Locker’s Kathryn Bigelow.  She looked really nervous and truly surprised.  I can’t wait to see what she does next.

I have to mention Sandra Bullock winning Best Actress for The Blind Side.  I loved that her acceptance speech was equally touching and heartfelt as it was cute and witty.  Her husband looked so proud.

Another highlight of the evening was this tribute to the late director John Hughes.  It was so cool to see many members of the original “Brat Pack” on stage to talk about their experiences with the director.  This clip reel of his work really made me remember his many iconic films from the 1980’s that were so REAL and filled with such SOUL.

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin did a C+ job as our hosts for the LONG evening.  I will always love Steve Martin.  He’s such a likable Dad from films like Father of the Bride and Parenthood.  I just don’t GET 30 Rock (Sorry!), so it’s hard for me to rally around Alec Baldwin.  I just think of him as the crazy Dad yelling at his daughter on the phone.

Finally, can I PLEASE LOOK LIKE THIS when I’m her age??  Or, right now even?  She looked GORGEOUS and was the best dressed of the night.


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