OMG! It’s Elmo!

Our family of four ventured out to see our very first live performance event, Sesame Street Live: When Elmo Grows Up.  I really wanted the kiddies to see Elmo and company for their very first live event.  They love Sesame Street and watch it every single day.  They know, and love, all the characters.  They know the songs.  But the show was not coming to OUR neighborhood.  Bummer. It was coming to a neighborhood a million miles away.  (Or, so it felt. ) But I decided to go ahead and order tickets for the next town over.  It would take us 90 minutes to drive there.  90 MINUTES.  That’s how long the show is!

But guess what?


The mini road trip was not bad at all.  I loaded the car up with snacks and every Sesame Street book and toy I had in the house.  It was 90 minutes of Elmo and Abby Cadabby build up.  When we arrived, the first thing we did was… BUY STUFF.  We were prepared, but, MAN, is that stuff expensive.  We spent $30 in five minutes on an Elmo light up twirly thing for Bean and a stuffed Elmo doll for Annabel.  NOTE:  I WANTED to get Annabel the Abby Cadabby doll, but they did not have any!  I was shocked!  A mom behind me groaned about it too.  Every little girl wants the pink fairy doll, don’t they?  Abby is just too cute for words.  They had the Elmo doll (of course), Cookie Monster, Big Bird, and Zoe.  I don’t get the Zoe doll.  She is barely in Sesame Street at all.  Maybe they sold out of Abby? Oh well, it really didn’t matter.  Annabel can say “Elmo” now so once she saw the little red furry monster doll she started shouting “ELMO!” and the choice was pretty clear.  (Never mind that we already have TWO other Elmo dolls at home, right?)


The show was a blast!  We had great seats on the floor.  Daniel and Annabel loved it.  They were either frozen in awe or laughing, screaming, and dancing.  I had so much fun too.  Every character from Sesame Street was in attendance, including Grover, my favorite. There were super cute musical numbers and I loved the theme of “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  They ended with Elmo’s World and Mr. Noodle was there!  Very fun.



There was even a short intermission.  It was just enough time for a balloon man to walk in front of all of us parents with 100 huge Elmo balloons.  And all of the kids start screaming and begging their parents for one.  And, OF COURSE, we had to buy one for Bean! ( And, get this, they were only TEN BUCKS each!  AHHH!)


Okay, so the entire thing was a LITTLE pricey, but the memories were definitely PRICELESS.

(This blog NOT brought to you by the Visa card, although it was used.  A LOT.)

We heart you Sesame Street!