18 Months

My baby girl is 18 months old today. 

I feel like just yesterday she learned to walk and now she is running and dancing.  Annabel is so full of life and passion.  A simple game of peekaboo will turn into a million giggles.  Her laughter is infectious.  She loves to be chased around the house and will run away because she knows you will catch her from behind and tickle her.  She litterally SCREAMS with glee over everyday occurrences: When you greet her after a nap, when someone she knows walks in the door, when she watches a Baby Einstein video (for the millionth time) and that elephant puppet appears, when dinner is served. 


Her passion and “over the top dramatic flair” could win her an Oscar.  She loves to tease her big brother, but when he won’t play along she runs for the corner and collapses into a tantrum of tears.  She is feisty and head strong.  She won’t give up a toy for anything and she is still learning not to always grab for what she wants. 

Her world is full of contradictions.   She cries over the presentation of her meal but then she eats the entire thing.  She pushes away a book I give her but then she brings it to me five minutes later to read.  She runs for the door when we arrive at Gymboree class but then she laughs with delight when I carry her to the rocking horse. 

Her favorite things include: Pinky, corn on the cob, Sesame Street, the musical shakers at the library, club crackers, pigs, purses, cars, and ANYTHING her brother is doing at the time.  She is IN LOVE with her big brother.


She has an unbelievable head of curls.  I am so amazed with her hair that I always find myself just staring at her sea of corkscrews.  She looks like a doll with those curls, porcelain skin, big blue eyes, and cupid mouth.  She is a gorgeous little girl.

AND a super smart girl too.  She can already say Mama, Daddy, Bye bye, Hi, quack, car, cracker, cookie, juice, again, ball, bum bum, baby, teeth, and chocolate.  She also understands everything we say and I sometimes forget that.  When I tell Daniel it’s time for dinner, she runs to the table too.  When I tell Daniel to pick up the blocks, she runs over with one for the bucket. 

She is an awesome night sleeper and napper. She will sometimes yawn and rub her eyes as if to remind me to keep her on schedule. 

Just as her brother was “Mr. Mischief,” she has been anointed “Miss Mischief.”  She loves to grab magnets and hide them inside the refrigerator doors and walk away.  She will throw her straw cup on the kitchen floor knowing you will pick it up so she can do it again. She will try to stand up on any box or toy and then look to make sure I am watching before she tumbles over.


One of the best things about Annabel is her willingness to snuggle and hug.  She loves to extend her arms and be picked up.  She loves to hold my hands while I sing to her in the rocking chair.  She loves to be wrapped in her bath towel and carried around.  She loves to lay her head on your shoulder when she is frustrated or upset. 

I can’t believe it’s already been a year and a half since you entered our world, Annabel Marie. 

What a true gift you are.


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