20 months

Annabel is 20 months old today.  We’ve been calling her “Tummy Girl” because of this book we checked out of the library.  It really describes her perfectly.  She is a tummy full of smiles and laughter.  She is a social butterfly who loves to run up to another child playing in the park.  She is going to force me to break out of my introverted shell and and I love that about her.  She overflows with curiosity and excitement for life.  She gets frustrated, but it doesn’t last long.  She’ll feel better once she is picked up, hugged, and cuddled.  I can’t wait until she can really talk and express her feelings.  Right now she loves to say “No!”  (Even when she means “Yes!”) It’s the cutest, sweetest, high-pitched “No.”  Even her “No’s” are happy.   We love you “Tummy Girl.”


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