Happy 35th Birthday Baby!

My hubbie is 35 years old young today! 


He is truly the best husband a woman could ever ask for.  He is an amazing Daddy. He is also the person I want sitting next to me on that porch swing 35 years from now.  He is my best friend, my soul mate, and my partner in crime.  Happy Birthday Baby!  You rock! 

(And thank you for telling me the birthday cake I made was DELICIOUS, even though your face says otherwise. )


And, YES, that is a brand new Lacoste polo shirt I bought him for his birthday.  Special shout out to Jeff Lewis from Bravo TV’s Flipping Out. Every time we watch the show together, hubbie says, “I want to look like Jeff Lewis! I want that shirt!” So, there you go.  I think I just outed my husband for wanting to look like Jeff Lewis.



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