Happy Father’s Day

Dear Dad:

I remember when:

-You told me everything was going to be okay when I had a nightmare and couldn’t sleep.

-You made me an awesome wooden puppet show theatre from scratch in your work area in the basement.

-You sat with me at our dining room table after dinner teaching me geometry and algebra problems on pad after pad of yellow office paper.

-You let me visit you at work and bought me a doughnut.

-You helped me make the most amazing Science Fair projects and you truly loved every minute of it.

-You did magic tricks for all my little girlfriends at my birthday parties.

-You held my hand on the Ocean City boardwalk.

-You threw softballs to me in the backyard (and you never took it easy on me.)

-You would always wait for me in the center court after a day of shopping and you always had that little white bag of chocolate coconut crispies.

-You loaded all my stuff in the mini van and dropped me off at college.

-You loaded all my stuff in the mini van and drove me home from NYC.

-You walked me down the aisle.

-You were always there for me.  Thank you, Dad.  Happy Father’s Day.

Love, Your Daughter



Dear Baby,

I remember when:

-You always stayed positive even when I was so discouraged after months of negative pregnancy tests.

-You finally saw the positive pregnancy test in the bathroom of our Atlantic City hotel room after hours of playing poker downstairs.  Priceless.

-You told me we could handle anything after we got some bad news.

-You held my hand and told me funny stories so I wouldn’t cry during the MRI at Children’s Hospital.

-You bought that bookcase from the consignment shop and painted it for the nursery.

-You held Bean for the first time and changed his very first diaper.  You never hesitated for a second.

-You watched movies with Bean in the basement so I could sleep.

-You flew home every weekend so you could spend precious time with your baby.

-You were so happy to unwrap the second positive pregnancy test on Father’s Day 2007.

-You held Annabel for the first time and called her a “Kissie Magnet.”  You were right.

Thank you for being an amazing Daddy and role model, Baby.  Daniel and Annabel are so blessed to have you in their lives.  Happy Father’s Day.

Love, Your Wife



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