Sugar And Extra Spicy

If little girls are supposed to be made of “sugar and spice,” then my daughter Annabel is definitely of the “extra spicy” variety.  She is sugary sweet, for sure, but in the past month she has developed this amazing little feisty personality.  I love it.

Annabel was a happy baby.  Where Bean was a bit sensitive about his day-to-day routine, Annabel always seemed more mellow.  I’m sure half of that was her actual temperament. The other half was because I was a more relaxed Mommy the second time around.  Annabel would hang out in her bouncer seat and stare at her brother running around the house and just laugh and coo.  She was a great eater and sleeper and really meshed right into the family dynamic.

She has an amazing smile and big laugh.  She is always the center of attention when we go out in public.  She will smile at all the strangers and sometimes wave at them.  Someone always ends up stopping me at the grocery store or the mall just to tell me how adorable Annabel is and, of course, I wholeheartedly agree.

But the funniest thing has happened.  Ever since she started to walk about a month ago, she has developed this strong sense of independence and stubbornness.  She definitely knows what she wants and when she wants it. And she always wants it NOW.  She will speed past her brother to grab a ball or book first.  I remember when she would just sit there and allow her brother to take away her toy.  She would simply look at him and then move on to something else.  Well, no more.  She will not have any of it.  She will scream at him and snatch it back.  I’ve actually put her in “time out” a couple times already and she is only 16 months old!  She also has a little tomboy emerging.  She loves to steal Daniel’s trucks and cars.  She even fights him for the ball when they are outside with the T-ball set.

When we were at the library last week, she not only pushed by Daniel, but also a  bunch of the OLDER kids, to grab an egg shaker during music time. It really is so funny to watch.

I definitely discipline my kids, especially in public places, but Annabel has these big innocent blue eyes combined with a gorgeous head of curls and squeezable cheeks, it’s just so hard to get upset with her.  I find that other people often giggle at her too.

I was always emotional about having a daughter.  It’s such an enormous blessing and worry at the same time.  I look around at the images of teen girls on television, in movies, and on the Internet. I can’t imagine what it will be like in 10 or 15 years. I just want Annabel to be happy, but I want her to be super strong and secure.  I like that she is already bringing out her spicy side.  I hope she keeps it.


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