Archives for June 2009


Kids are weird.  My kids are weird.  I use “weird” as a term of endearment.  “Weird” really means “amazingly cute.”

We went to our downtown children’s museum this past weekend to check out their “Robotic Dinosaur” exhibit.  I thought Bean would go nuts.  He loves dinosaurs.  But he wandered through the display completely nonchalant, barely looking, and then begged to go play with the water tables.  Annabel, on the other hand, loved it and would “ROAR” loudly at all the really tall and scary dinosaur displays.


Daniel spins around in circles in the living room because he LIKES to be dizzy. 


Annabel already hates to wear pants or shorts.  She will struggle and struggle if I try to put a pair on her. 


Daniel soothes himself to sleep each nap time by singing “B-I-N-G-O” at the top of his lungs.


My kids eat their vegetables BEFORE their meat or potatoes.  Cool, but weird.  Annabel eats corn on the cob like it’s her last meal.  Hilarious, but weird.

This activity table has been sitting in my son’s room since we gave it to him the day Annabel was born a year and a half ago. 


He loved it then, but now he’s totally outgrown it.  He walks around it and ignores it.  The only time he touches it is when he needs to shove it out of the way to play cars and trucks.  Now that we got him his big boy bed, I was excited to move it out of the room for good and donate it to the “poor boy.”

ASIDE: I came up with the “poor boy” to explain to Daniel where things go when they leave our house or his eyesight.  His old T-shirts and pants? Well, they are going to the “poor boy.”  Those baby books and toys? “Poor boy.”  “Daniel, if you don’t stop throwing your cars across the room I’m going to give them to the poor boy!”  It is easier to say “poor boy” than explain Goodwill or Charity to him at this point.  His crib?  “Poor boy.” 

So I moved the activity table to the living room while we assembled and organized the new bed in his room  I was only putting it there temporarily.  I was planning to move it out to the garage later that day so it could be donated…to the “poor boy.”

But guess who has been playing with the table every moment since:



First Comes Love, Then Comes…Baby?

What is this “trend” with everyone having babies FIRST and then (maybe) getting married SECOND?

I don’t want to get political and scream from a virtual soapbox, “Whatever happened to conservative values in this country? What happened to the ‘old fashioned’ way of getting engaged, getting married and THEN having kids?”  I’ve just been noticing this “trend” more and more, especially with celebrities.  I don’t know whether the celebrities think it’s COOL or if their pregnancies were “accidents” or even if they are making some political statement themselves (I’m looking at you Brangelina), but I’m feeling a little bit in the minority here.  I was married and THEN I had my babies.

Some of the People Magazine and Us Weekly headlines this week were about Kendra Wilkinson from PLAYBOY and the E! Entertainment show Girls Next Door. She has a brand new reality show called Kendra.  But the headlines were not about her new show.  They were about her pregnancy.  “Kendra Wilkinson and her fiance, NFL star Hank Baskett, are going to become parents.” There was even a quote from her former “boyfriend,” Playboy honcho Hugh Hefner. Hef said he was “really happy to learn that Kendra is pregnant.”  And there were other notes of congratulations from her friends and fellow Playmates.  But I’m thinking, “Wait. She’s not married yet.  Wasn’t that last episode of her reality show all about agreeing to host her big day at the Playboy mansion?  And now she’s having a BABY?”


I just think it’s interesting that no one blinks an eye anymore.  There were no quotes talking about her getting pregnant before her nuptials.  Not one.

Okay, maybe because it’s Kendra, but it’s pretty darn common.  At least Kendra is planning on getting married later this month.  But there are other celebrities that simply have no intention of tying the knot.  I mentioned Brad and Angelina.  Brad has been quoted as saying, “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able…”  Um, I don’t know about you Angie, but that sounds like a LINE??  Did you not watch that movie He’s Just Not That Into You??  Well, I watched it on DVD this weekend and one of the many take away messages for us chicks is this: If he wants to marry you, he WILL MARRY YOU!

Then there are the young starlets like Jamie Lynn Spears and Bristol Palin.  They both had babies and I don’t think they are even engaged anymore.  MTV just launched a reality series about this trend called 16 & Pregnant.  It highlights the lives of teen girls in this country who are getting pregnant before marriage and even before their high school graduation. 

Then there is Nicole Richie and Joel Madden.  Nicole is pregnant with baby NUMBER TWO and still no ring on her finger.  This is a quote from her recent appearance with talk show host Larry King:

“…when I was a little girl, I dreamed about getting married and that is definitely a dream of mine one day. But right now, we’re really really focused on our family; we’re focused on our foundation. As far as feeling that need of commitment, we both really have that in each other.  I think for both of us, we are going to do it because we want to, not because that’s what you do.”

But WHY don’t you WANT to?  I really don’t understand the downside of getting married.  It gives you security.  It is the foundation for your family.  It gives your children security by showing your commitment. 

I don’t get it, but I also don’t want to judge.  I may be a conservative, but I also believe in living your own life.  Heck, I HATE when anyone judges ME. 

But Nicole Richie, I just have to ask…

“Why are you carrying my baby girl??”  (Well, I see a slight resemblance…)



Big Boy Bed

My son has graduated…from the crib!  I am very excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time.  I feel like every milestone that he accomplishes is amazing, but it’s also a milestone that is COMPLETED.  It just brings him one step closer to packing up all of his clothes, throwing them in the back of an SUV, and leaving me FOREVER.  (Am I overreacting???)

Daniel has a BIG BOY BED! 

The quilt is from PB Kids and the rest is from Tarjay

The quilt is from PB Kids and the rest is from Tarjay

We have been talking about this forever.  Should we buy him a toddler bed or a twin/full bed?  Daniel has always loved his crib.   He sleeps in it like magic.  It’s amazing.  But he is a big dude and he’s turning three in two months, so it was time to move on.  We thought the toddler bed was a good choice because it would be an easier transition.  It is basically the exact same size as the crib, minus the baby prison bars.  We can use the same mattress.  The one negative was that down the road we will have to transition him AGAIN to a bigger bed. 

But we were strolling past Pottery Barn Kids two weeks ago and there it was – the CUTEST little toddler bed just sitting there in the entrance.  It was welcoming us in with open arms and saying, “Buy me!  Sure, I cost more than those toddler beds at Target and Toys R Us, but don’t you want the best for your son?  PLUS, I’m from PBKids!  I’m COOL!”

We bought it.  We had to wait seven whole business days for the color we wanted to arrive (the dark brown), but now it’s here!  My husband picked it up this afternoon and it only took us thirty minutes to put together!  I mean, MY HUSBAND put it together in thirty minutes while I tried to keep Daniel from jumping on the wooden planks and Annabel from eating metal screws. But it’s all put together and in his room now. I just love it.  I am crossing my fingers that Daniel will love to sleep in it.  

Now we just have to wait and see if he sleeps there ALL NIGHT LONG.   While I wait, I have wine AND a little something to read.


(Is that a real snake moving towards his, um, okay, anyways….)

Thank You For Asking

Annabel and I had our weekly Target shopping trip today.  We do this every Thursday afternoon.  It’s our mother-daughter bonding time.  (I would LOVE to replace the “running of the errands” bonding with the “pampering at the spa” bonding, but considering she is only 16 MONTHS OLD, that will have to wait just a little bit.)

I had my long shopping list, of course.

ASIDE:  Why is it that some people are generally SURPRISED to see a person with a  shopping list?  I can’t tell you the number of times someone has commented while I’m staring at my piece of paper crossing off items with a pen, “You have a LIST?  That is SO smart!”  I should also add, “Why do people like to talk to me while I’m shopping?” but that brings me to my story.

Annabel was riding in the cart, slamming handfuls of Cheerios in her mouth, while I pushed her up and down all the aisles picking up our weekly supplies (TWO packs of diapers, TWO packs of wipes, new straw cups, etc.) Suddenly a woman, squatting in front of the diaper pails, stopped us.

“Hi. Sorry. Do you have one of these diaper container things?” she asked, “Which one do you like best??”

(Oh, Hi!  Thank you so much for asking lady because you just touched upon my FAVORITE subject: Giving Free Baby Advice!  Do you also want to know which brand of diaper rash ointment I recommend because it’s on the shelf right over here?  Or which bottle is best? Or formula brand?)

It’s so funny because I HATE to talk to strangers, generally.  But when it comes to talking about babies and offering baby advice, I’m all in.  It’s like I just met another member of the “secret mommy club” and excuse me but I need to tell you all the secret codes and hidden treasures like THIS BRAND of diaper rash ointment. It REALLY WORKS.

We chatted a little and she said she was expecting her first baby and she was checking out the diaper pails.  I told her that I like the Diaper Genie because you can twist it and it helps keep the smells at bay.  I told her it was easy to use and you don’t have to empty it every hour which is nice.  I then showed her the refills to buy.  She thanked me and went on her way.

It was fun!  I felt accomplished!  But then ten minutes later I thought about my advice and wondered, “Did I tell her the right thing?  I mean the Diaper Genie* is cool and all, but it IS kind of annoying to cut that plastic sometimes. And it doesn’t mask ALL the smells.”  I just really, honestly, wanted to make sure I helped her out.

It’s one of the unexpected fun things about no longer having an infant in the house.  I can now dispense all my advice to Moms-to-be!   I can talk for hours about sleep and what to feed a toddler.   I can go on and on and on about my favorite swaddling blanket and cradle swing.  It is a really hard subject to shut up about it.  I think it comes from a certain pride I feel, deep inside, now that I have survived the infant phase (twice!)

I have lived to tell (EVERYONE) about it.

*And for a comprehensive list of diaper pails, check out this post from my friends at The Babble Out!

A Little Less Pop Mommy

I guess I should not be eating THIS for lunch

At least that's a DIET coke in the corner there...

At least that's a DIET coke in the corner there...

if I want to wear THESE.

UNWORN pair of Banana skinny jeans

Banana Republic (you really don't have to be THAT) skinny jeans.

The lunch, by the way, is my husband’s amazing Turkey Ziti with Mushrooms.  We had it for dinner last night and it’s even yummier the next day.  It’s not terribly unhealthy, but it still is adding a lot of carbs to unwanted places.  The jeans are these skinny jeans from Banana Republic. 

I am not trying to be a teenager (even though some of my television viewing habits indicate otherwise). I never thought I would actually buy a pair of skinny jeans, but they fit so well.  They really do stretch and feel comfy.  They are not too tight.  The sales chick who helped me said she owns two pairs.  (She was a little older than me.) Plus, I found them on the sale rack in the back and they were HALF OFF. 

Hopefully this purchase will inspire me to lose my extra 10 (or maybe 15) pounds of baby weight.   I want to buy new cute clothes and add to my wardrobe, but I just can’t get these last 10 (or maybe 15) pounds off! Well, I COULD stop eating pasta for lunch. 

I COULD exercise.  After reading this blog, I decided I really want a bike.  But I probably should start by walking around the block or cleaning my house.  I have one month until our family beach vacation.  One month to look like this:


Wish me luck.

Obsession with Sleep

The biggest piece of unsolicited advice I received when I was pregnant with my first child was “SLEEP!”  Moms would always tell me to “Sleep NOW because you won’t sleep again for a LONG time!”  I heard a lot of  “sleep when the baby sleeps” advice too.  I just logged it in the back of my mind with all the other pieces of advice like “take a breastfeeding class” and “buy a wipe warmer.” (Which I never used, BTW.)

I also read all those pregnancy BIBLES (What To Expect…,  The Girlfriends Guide…) and they just had chapter after chapter of overwhelming information.  There was the chapter about the MANY delivery options. The one about the scary things that can happen to the baby.  The one about the scary things that can happen to your BOOBS.  So maybe I just skimmed the chapter on sleep.

I just summed up the sleep part to this: babies like to sleep.  They sleep a lot.  They will eat, poop, and sleep.  That’s what will happen.  Okay, got it.

Bean was a good sleeper during those first three nights in the hospital.  I later read that this is called a big TEASE.  Babies just sleep ALOT when they are first born.  It’s great!  So when we all came home from the hospital, I was ready for my new baby routine.  I thrive on schedules so I was ready for my eat, poop, sleep cycle.  Well, it worked for a little while and then…it didn’t.

I became OBSESSED with sleep.  I could not understand why (after a feeding, a bath, a swaddle, a book and a song) Daniel could not just close his eyes and fall asleep.  He would fight it. I decided to rock him a little longer in my arms so he would get a little more tired.  That didn’t work.  Each day I started messing with the schedule so I could figure out what worked best.  I would panic when Bean would fall asleep in the car seat or the swing.  My husband would tell me to “just let him sleep!”  But I didn’t want him to rock in dreamland for two hours in a car seat or swing because that would equal two hours that he would not sleep at night!  (Well, that’s what I THOUGHT).

I called my sister, who already had two kids, and she recommended this book.  I didn’t really vibe with the sleep parts, so I started researching other sleep books.  That was when my exhausted, new mommy eyes were opened wide for the first time.  There are a bazillion book just on baby sleep!  I thought I was so cool and organized with my five books and my baby planner, but NO.  I surely missed the boat on this world of baby sleep.  I read all the reviews and decided on Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. 


It honestly changed my life. I read the book cover to cover and started to put some of the sleep habits into play.  They worked.  I learned that babies need to go to bed ALOT earlier than you think.  I learned to put Bean down for naps when I saw the very first signs of tiredness.  I learned that “sleep begets sleep” and that a baby who is overtired will sleep LESS.  I learned that your child just can’t sleep too much.  I learned about the sleep cycles and that babies have to teach themselves to sleep.  (Thus the famous “Cry It Out” method all new moms speak about.  It was like torture for me for three nights, but then it was done and my kids SLEPT). It was also a perfect book to reference during each stage of my child’s life.  Weissbluth writes clearly and really made me understand the importance of sleep to a child’s development and temperament.  It made sense to me.  It worked for me.  

I love this book so much that I now give unsolicited advice to new moms-to-be.  “Buy Weissbluth. He rocks!”  They might roll their eyes, but it’s like I uncovered this cool new mom mystery and I just have to share it. 

I still reference the book today.  I wonder when Bean will give up his nap.  (There is a chapter about that.) We are buying him a “big boy bed” this week and I worry that it will mess up his sleep.  (There is a chapter about that.) Every time I hear Annabel coo over the monitor at night, I still wake up and wait until it’s quiet again.  But I don’t go in. (There’s a chapter about that.)

My obsession with sleep continues as my children keep growing, but for now….I have to go to bed.  Good night.




I’ve been searching for the perfect skincare product for awhile now.  And when I say “searching,” I really mean reading In Style, Allure and other magazines that print “best of” beauty products issues.  But once I find a product that looks interesting, and in my price range, I always chicken out and go back to my mainstay, Clinique.  I’m been using the “Dramatically Different” bottle of yellow moisturizing lotion for SO long now, it is really hard to change.  I love my Clinique lotion, but I want to really dig in and find a great anti-aging product.  I am fair skinned and super sensitive so I also need extra protection. 

The other day I did something that is (slightly) shocking. I ordered this after watching an INFOMERCIAL:


It’s Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford.  Cindy developed this skincare line together with a leading dermatologist from Paris.  She calls it a “complete age maintenance” system.  I was literally glued to the television screen for 30 minutes watching this infomercial.   I was SUCK(er)ed in!  Just look at all the cool stuff I get!


There is a cleanser, a daytime moisturizer, a nighttime moisturizer, a mask, an eye cream, a serum, and a (bonus!) neck cream.   It’s every product I need/want and I didn’t have to keep “researching” (ie: awkwardly asking the chicks behind the cosmetic counters what they recommended.)

It was just so easy to call the number, give my credit card, and then have all the products at my front door in five days.  (Geez, now I sound like an infomercial.)  But honestly, it really wasn’t that expensive and I figure if Cindy Crawford is putting her name on it AND there is a dermatologist involved, I can feel good about it.  I just started using the products today, so I’ll see what happens. 

I just hope it’s not “Bean Bag Tuna.”

Loving Adam Lambert

Even while getting “attacked” by the paparazzi, Adam Lambert is still a nice guy and a class act.  (But he should probably not be going out alone!) There were some recent reports that Adam had turned into a DIVA, but that is obviously not true.  He is also supposed to “tell all” in an upcoming Rolling Stone article.  Honestly, I just don’t care.  I just want to buy his album.


And this is just TOO CUTE for words.  Everyone is falling in love with Adam – even babies 🙂

First Dentist Visit

I HATE going to the dentist.  I don’t know when it started.  I think it was with my very first cavity when I was ten. Once I experienced a drill, forget it.  I didn’t want to go back.   I have very “weak” teeth.  I know that sounds like the biggest excuse in the world, but I definitely have problems.  I always had a cavity when my brother and sister would be in the clear.  They ate the same foods I did and brushed their teeth the same number of times I did.  So why me?  It was very frustrating. 

Then, after college, I moved to New York City for a fun radio gig and I really just forgot to the go to the dentist for a couple years.  (It could have been that I was making peanuts and had no health insurance.)  When I finally got back in the dentist chair, I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled.  Then, I had a root canal.  Then, that same tooth cracked and I had to have it pulled.  I also had some not-so-nice dentists and hygienists who would say things like, “How could this hurt?  It SHOULDN’T hurt.”  Yes, because I’m LYING to you that I am in terrible pain.  The last time I went to the dentist was when I was pregnant with Annabel.  I had some final cavities filled.  I don’t think there is much else they can do to my teeth now except the regular cleanings.  Well, I HOPE. 

So, it makes perfect sense that I was super anxious when it was time to take Daniel to his very first dentist visit this morning.  He is almost three.  They recommend you take a child for their first appointment between two and three, so it was time for him to go.  He was excited!  He had seen a child go to the dentist on Sesame Street and ever since then he was constantly saying, “Mama! Mama! Daniel want to go to dentist too!”  I wanted to scream back, “NO! YOU REALLY DON’T KID!”  But I refrained and we made the appointment.

It was a blast.   The pediatric dental office is amazing.  There are colorful chairs and television screens and a video game console.  Daniel got to pick out his own toothbrush.  He wore headphones and watched Stuart Little on the ceiling (!) while the hygienist cleaned and counted his teeth.  He wore super cool shades.  The dentist said his teeth looked great and gave Daniel a high five. Daniel picked out a toy and we left.  It was fun and he loved it which was the most important thing.  (I wish they had pediatric dentists for grown ups.)

Oh, and they can already tell he will need braces. So we can start the Daniel Orthodontic Savings Fund now.

Waiting in the lobby.  Check out the flat screen TV!

Waiting in the lobby. Check out the flat screen TV!

Oh there's the scary tooth scraper thing.  Bean's chillin' in his shades.

Oh there's the scary tooth scraper thing. Bean's just chillin' in his shades.

The dentist telling us everything looks great! (And one day you'll need braces!)

The dentist telling us everything looks great! And one day you'll need braces! (How do they know?? He's only TWO!)

The "toy" Bean picked out.

The "toy" Bean picked out.

At least he shared with his sister.

At least he shared with his sister.


I met Britney Spears in the summer of ’99.  It was at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach.  She was doing a concert that evening and a bunch of media were invited to a special “meet and greet” in the afternoon.  This was when “(Hit Me) Baby One More Time” was a huge radio hit and she did that provocative cover on Rolling Stone magazine.  She was also on Entertainment Weekly with N’Sync.  They were the two biggest musical acts of the year.  We had also just found out she was dating Justin Timberlake. 

It was exciting to meet a pop star.  Britney was completely unassuming, shy and cute.  She said hello and signed my copy of EW.  We took a photo together and she moved on.  I thought she was adorable and was certain she would be around for a long time. 


Well, I was right!  She released another album.  She had more number one songs.  She won awards.   She did those cute Pepsi ads.  She went on a huge worldwide tour.  She released another album.  She said she was a virgin.  Justin “implied” she wasn’t.  They broke up.  She starred in a movie.  She performed on MTV with a huge python.  It was an iconic moment.  Then, things got…weird.

She kissed Madonna.  She married a childhood friend in Vegas.  It was annulled after 55 hours.  She cancelled her tour.  She dated and married a backup dancer.  Then she got pregnant and had her first baby, Sean Preston. Then she got pregnant again and had her second baby, Jayden.  Then, she filed for divorce. She checked in and out of rehab.  She shaved her head in the window front of an LA salon.  She was hospitalized and held under psychiatric evaluation.  She lost custody of her kids. She went to the VMA’s and did a terrible performance.  She had a shady manager and she was dating a member of the paparazzi.  She would go out late at night to get cigarettes and walk barefoot to the gas station bathroom.   I remember telling my husband that I would not be surprised to wake up one morning, turn on the computer, and see her obituary.  It looked bad.

But she turned it around!  Her dad seemed to save her.  She got the “bad” people out of her life.  She went back to the recording studio and made music again.  She had a number one single.  She went on tour.  She went on How I Met Your Mother.  She got custody of her kids back.  Now she seems…better.

I hope she is.  She’s a mom now and her kids need her.  I’m sure they make her happy.  Judging by this super cute video, they sure made me smile today.  Good Luck Britney.  Remember what’s important: these little guys.