Big Boy Bed

My son has graduated…from the crib!  I am very excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time.  I feel like every milestone that he accomplishes is amazing, but it’s also a milestone that is COMPLETED.  It just brings him one step closer to packing up all of his clothes, throwing them in the back of an SUV, and leaving me FOREVER.  (Am I overreacting???)

Daniel has a BIG BOY BED! 

The quilt is from PB Kids and the rest is from Tarjay

The quilt is from PB Kids and the rest is from Tarjay

We have been talking about this forever.  Should we buy him a toddler bed or a twin/full bed?  Daniel has always loved his crib.   He sleeps in it like magic.  It’s amazing.  But he is a big dude and he’s turning three in two months, so it was time to move on.  We thought the toddler bed was a good choice because it would be an easier transition.  It is basically the exact same size as the crib, minus the baby prison bars.  We can use the same mattress.  The one negative was that down the road we will have to transition him AGAIN to a bigger bed. 

But we were strolling past Pottery Barn Kids two weeks ago and there it was – the CUTEST little toddler bed just sitting there in the entrance.  It was welcoming us in with open arms and saying, “Buy me!  Sure, I cost more than those toddler beds at Target and Toys R Us, but don’t you want the best for your son?  PLUS, I’m from PBKids!  I’m COOL!”

We bought it.  We had to wait seven whole business days for the color we wanted to arrive (the dark brown), but now it’s here!  My husband picked it up this afternoon and it only took us thirty minutes to put together!  I mean, MY HUSBAND put it together in thirty minutes while I tried to keep Daniel from jumping on the wooden planks and Annabel from eating metal screws. But it’s all put together and in his room now. I just love it.  I am crossing my fingers that Daniel will love to sleep in it.  

Now we just have to wait and see if he sleeps there ALL NIGHT LONG.   While I wait, I have wine AND a little something to read.


(Is that a real snake moving towards his, um, okay, anyways….)

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