Thank You For Asking

Annabel and I had our weekly Target shopping trip today.  We do this every Thursday afternoon.  It’s our mother-daughter bonding time.  (I would LOVE to replace the “running of the errands” bonding with the “pampering at the spa” bonding, but considering she is only 16 MONTHS OLD, that will have to wait just a little bit.)

I had my long shopping list, of course.

ASIDE:  Why is it that some people are generally SURPRISED to see a person with a  shopping list?  I can’t tell you the number of times someone has commented while I’m staring at my piece of paper crossing off items with a pen, “You have a LIST?  That is SO smart!”  I should also add, “Why do people like to talk to me while I’m shopping?” but that brings me to my story.

Annabel was riding in the cart, slamming handfuls of Cheerios in her mouth, while I pushed her up and down all the aisles picking up our weekly supplies (TWO packs of diapers, TWO packs of wipes, new straw cups, etc.) Suddenly a woman, squatting in front of the diaper pails, stopped us.

“Hi. Sorry. Do you have one of these diaper container things?” she asked, “Which one do you like best??”

(Oh, Hi!  Thank you so much for asking lady because you just touched upon my FAVORITE subject: Giving Free Baby Advice!  Do you also want to know which brand of diaper rash ointment I recommend because it’s on the shelf right over here?  Or which bottle is best? Or formula brand?)

It’s so funny because I HATE to talk to strangers, generally.  But when it comes to talking about babies and offering baby advice, I’m all in.  It’s like I just met another member of the “secret mommy club” and excuse me but I need to tell you all the secret codes and hidden treasures like THIS BRAND of diaper rash ointment. It REALLY WORKS.

We chatted a little and she said she was expecting her first baby and she was checking out the diaper pails.  I told her that I like the Diaper Genie because you can twist it and it helps keep the smells at bay.  I told her it was easy to use and you don’t have to empty it every hour which is nice.  I then showed her the refills to buy.  She thanked me and went on her way.

It was fun!  I felt accomplished!  But then ten minutes later I thought about my advice and wondered, “Did I tell her the right thing?  I mean the Diaper Genie* is cool and all, but it IS kind of annoying to cut that plastic sometimes. And it doesn’t mask ALL the smells.”  I just really, honestly, wanted to make sure I helped her out.

It’s one of the unexpected fun things about no longer having an infant in the house.  I can now dispense all my advice to Moms-to-be!   I can talk for hours about sleep and what to feed a toddler.   I can go on and on and on about my favorite swaddling blanket and cradle swing.  It is a really hard subject to shut up about it.  I think it comes from a certain pride I feel, deep inside, now that I have survived the infant phase (twice!)

I have lived to tell (EVERYONE) about it.

*And for a comprehensive list of diaper pails, check out this post from my friends at The Babble Out!


  1. I’m a brand new mommy (Alex will be two months old on Monday, and I love reading your blog between feedings). The other day while walking through Target I saw a couple college-age girls standing in the baby aisle, and I overheard one say to the other, “What do babies NEED?” I skidded to a halt and blurted, “Diapers, wipes, onesies and sleep-and-plays.”

    Thank you for asking, indeed. I’ll give advice even when it isn’t solicited!

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