Fort Making 101

For my husband’s very first Father’s Day, I bought him this book as a gift from Daniel.  I have images in my head of them working together on soapbox derby cars, paper airplanes, and rope knots.  Mark would spend an afternoon teaching Daniel table football and coin tricks.  The two of them would bond over all these cool father and son activities.  And Mark would teach Daniel how to do all the little things that boys like (and should learn) to do.

What I did not realize at the time was that I would be spending A LOT of days at home with a growing boy.  By myself. No Dad.  And this boy is ACTIVE.  He wants to run and jump and build stuff.  I’ve already mastered the blocks and I know how to play trains but today, Daniel wanted to build a FORT.  Huh?

I remember my brother building blanket forts in his room when he was little.  But I never helped him make any of them.  But how hard can it be, right?  You need a blanket and then you tie it to something and voila! A fort! (Okay, where’s that book?)

Here is my first attempt:


And my second:


 Okay, how about this Bean?:


I know.  I know.  I need sheets and not one big brown blanket.  And chairs, I think.  Where is my husband??

Thank goodness I have a “girly girl”  daughter:



  1. I am completely with you on the fort thing. My son (now 8) loves everything military and always wanted me to build him forts so he can have his hiding place. However I was not very good at it. Tried my best w/ sheets, even used clothing pins to attach a few to make the fort bigger but it never seemed to be as cool as what my hubby could do.

    I have a very girly girl too who is 3 yrs old. However as much as she is into her imagination and being a princess, she’s very into following her big brother along in the army crawl along the floor (all the while in her princess dress and crown). Apparently I still have to work on my fort skills because for her it’s now her ‘tower’ to her castle!

    Best of luck,
    Ann Marie

  2. wow…my son’s age didn’t pop up…lol

    My son now EIGHT…lol. I guess the number with the parenthesis mark created a smiling face. Sorry…

  3. Sorry about your fort-building impairment, but thanks so much for the great first Father’s Day gift idea for my husband! His Mother’s Day gift for me was so thoughtful, and I’d been struggling to match it.

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