Random Thoughts

It’s Friday!  Yahoo!  But we are all still sick.  Boo.  The kiddies have not stopped coughing and their poor noses are red and runny.  They spent the entire day inside the house playing with trains, cars, and trucks.  Yes, both of them.  Annabel is quickly turning into an adorable little tomboy thanks to her older brother.  We also read tons of books, played stickers and, of course, ran around in circles.  I’m hoping we can all get of the house tomorrow even if it’s just to run a few errands and breathe some fresh air.

This will be a quick entry because I desperately need to get under the covers with my peach “sick” tea (it has rum in it…thank goodness) and read my magazines.  But before I do, just some random Friday thoughts:

  • Here is yet another reason why I dislike Kara DioGuardi.  (Because he wants YOU to clear it all up Kara. Thanks.)
  • I heart Taylor Swift.  Thank you for being a great role model for teens.  She performed LIVE on The Today Show this morning and there is a one hour Dateline NBC special about her on Sunday.
  • Something is clearly wrong with Tori Spelling’s mother.  Stay strong Tori.  I heart you too!
  • Melissa Joan Hart is totally motivating me. I’ve been wanting to shed these extra baby lbs. FOREVER.   My goal is to be on the cover of PEOPLE magazine.  Ha. (IF ONLY that could happen.  That would be truly motivating.)
  • Can you imagine your child winning the National Spelling Bee?  I can’t decide if it’s awesome or a little dysfunctional.

Finally, I hate that we can’t give our kids any type of cough or cold medicine.  My husband and I created an equal parts lemon and honey drink that we spoon to them throughout the day but it doesn’t seem to be working.  Is there anything worse than listening to two little ones cough and hack and you can’t really do anything about it?  Ugh.  I’m going to chug some of my tea.  Happy Friday .

I love that she is tall and has curly hair...just like my little girl!

I love that she is tall and has curly hair…just like my little girl!

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